Memberships are managed at the national level by Kiteboarding Australia. You will automatically become a member Kiteboarding NSW when you sign up for Kiteboarding Australia and select NSW as your state of residence (there is no extra cost).
You can join Kiteboarding Australia online here: About a third of the membership fee goes to the insurance premium, a third to Kiteboarding Australia for administration and national events, and the rest is redistributed to your state association.
Becoming a member of Kiteboarding Australia gives you the following:
- A worldwide (ex US) $20m third party liability and personal accident cover. More details here:
- Insurance cover valid for a full 12 month period regardless of what month you join in.
- Access to KA sanctioned events such as National Championships.
- A Kiteboarding Australia card and a harness tag to prove their membership. The tag identifies to people and authorities that the member is both a safe kiteboarder and has appropriate insurance coverage whilst undertaking kiteboarding activities.
- Last but not least, more power and support to ensure beaches remain open and kiteboarding-friendly in Australia.