The 2017 NSW Freestyle Kiteboarding State Titles are being held December 2nd and 3d at Monterey ( Brighton le sand) . Get involved as this will be a great event for both the public and the kite community.
The cost for competition is a $50 event entrance fee OR 20.00 if you just want to participate in the Big air comp. If you are already a Kiteboarding Australia member there are no additional cost. however if you do not have KA insurance you can pay an extra $65 competition insurance fee or you can become a member and compete in as many events as you like. Click the link below to register for the event.
REGISTER ONLINE: https://www.kiteboardingaus.com.au/events/12721/
Also as part of entry you will receive an event T-shirt, goodies bag and a free lunch everyday for all competitors.
Sunday after the main event is an awards ceremony normally around the times of 5.30/6.00pm.
If you are looking for accommodation close to the event site, please contact Christelle on 0405967770 .
There a 4 divisions for competiting in
• Juniors (under 18s)
• Womens
• Opens (18-35)
• Masters (+35)
For more information and to register click the link below!
REGISTER https://www.kiteboardingaus.com.au/events
The competition has been set for the 2nd and 3rd of December . If the weather forecast is not in our favour that week end , the comp will take place the following week end .